Finding Our True Worth
We often cling to what we desire, even when it does not serve us well. We may think that we need it to feel complete, to avoid loneliness, or to maintain our status. We may fear that we will not find anything better, or that we are not worthy of anything better. We may rationalize that we can change it, or that it will change for us. We may hope that things will get better, or that we will get used to them.
But sometimes, we have to leave what we desire to find what we deserve. We have to let go of what is holding us back, and make room for what can lift us up. We have to face our fears, and take a leap of faith. We have to trust that there is something better waiting for us, and that we are capable of achieving it.
Leaving what we desire is not easy. It can be painful, scary, and uncertain. It can involve loss, grief, and disappointment. It can require courage, strength, and resilience. But it can also be liberating, empowering, and rewarding. It can open new doors, create new opportunities, and spark new joy. It can lead us to discover ourselves, our potential, and our purpose.
Finding what we deserve is not guaranteed. It can be challenging, risky, and unpredictable. It can involve trial, error, and failure. It can require patience, persistence, and perseverance. But it can also be fulfilling, satisfying, and meaningful. It can align with our values, passions, and goals. It can enrich our lives, our relationships, and our well-being.
Sometimes, we have to leave what we desire to find what we deserve. But how do we know when to do that? How do we know what we truly desire, and what we truly deserve? How do we know what is best for us, and what is not? How do we know when to hold on, and when to let go?
These are not easy questions to answer. They depend on many factors, such as our circumstances, our feelings, our needs, and our dreams. They require self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-honesty. They demand wisdom, intuition, and judgment. They invite us to question ourselves, our choices, and our outcomes.
Sometimes, we have to leave what we desire to find what we deserve. But what do you think? Have you ever done that, or wanted to do that? How did you decide, and how did it turn out? What did you learn, and what did you gain? What do you desire, and what do you deserve?
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