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Showing posts from November, 2023

Some things we can learn best in calm and some things we can only learn in storm

Life is full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, successes and failures.  We all face different challenges and opportunities, depending on our circumstances and choices. But how do we learn from these experiences? How do we grow as individuals and as members of society? How do we cope with the changes and uncertainties that life brings? Some people say that we can learn best in calm, when we have peace of mind, stability, and security.  In calm, we can reflect on our past, plan for our future, and enjoy our present. We can focus on our goals, pursue our passions, and develop our skills. We can also learn from others, by reading books, listening to podcasts, taking courses, or joining communities. In calm, we can acquire knowledge, wisdom, and insight, that can help us in our personal and professional lives. However, some things we can only learn in storm, when we face difficulties, hardships, and crises.  In storm, we are tested, challenged, and pushed to our limits. We have to deal wi

''The Outside May Look Calm But On The Inside, There’s A Tremendous Storm''

The Storm Within: Dealing with Inner Turmoil We all have our own struggles and battles that we fight every day. Some of us are better at hiding them than others. We put on a brave face and go about our day as if everything is okay. But on the inside, there’s a tremendous storm brewing. It’s easy to look at someone and assume that they have it all together. They may seem calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside, they’re struggling to keep it together. They may be dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues that are invisible to the naked eye. The truth is, we never know what someone else is going through. We can’t see the battles they’re fighting or the demons they’re trying to overcome. That’s why it’s important to be kind and compassionate to everyone we meet. We never know when a kind word or gesture can make all the difference. When we're struggling with our own issues, it's easy to feel like we’re alone. We may feel like no one else understan

"The Mind Replays What the Heart Can’t Delete"

Why We Can’t Forget The Memories That Hurt Us Some memories are precious, and we want to keep them forever. They fill our hearts with warmth and joy. They make us smile and laugh. They remind us of the good times we had. But some memories are painful, and we want to forget them. They pierce our hearts with cold and sorrow. They make us cry and scream. They haunt us with the bad times we had. Why do they stay in our minds, even when we try to get rid of them? Some psychologists say that our minds replay the memories that our hearts can’t delete because it helps us cope with the past. We relive what happened and how it changed us. We look for closure and healing. We learn from our experiences and grow as people. But sometimes, our minds replay the memories that our hearts can’t delete because it keeps us attached to the past. We revive the feelings and emotions that we once felt. We maintain the connection and bond that we once had. We deny the present and resist the change. Our minds re

“Sometimes not speaking says more than all the words in the world”

Sometimes the best way to communicate is by not saying anything at all How Not Speaking Can Communicate More Than Words Sometimes, silence can be the most powerful form of communication. Silence can convey emotions, intentions, and messages that words cannot. Silence can also create space for reflection, understanding, and connection. There are many situations where silence can communicate more than words. For example, silence can communicate respect, empathy, and solidarity when someone is grieving or suffering. Silence can also communicate anger, disappointment, or disapproval when someone has done something wrong or hurtful. Silence can even communicate love, affection, or attraction when words are not enough or too much. However, silence can also have negative effects if it is used inappropriately or excessively. Silence can communicate indifference, apathy, or ignorance when someone is expecting a response or feedback. Silence can also communicate fear, insecurity, or dishonesty w

How to Trick the Trickster

''Sometimes you just have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you." The Art of Strategic Naivete Sometimes, the best way to handle a difficult or manipulative person is to trick them with your own naivete We all face people who try to use us for their own benefit. They may be bullies, liars, or opportunists. They may try to hurt us, deceive us, or exploit us. When we face these people, we have a choice. We can either play by their rules, or we can play by our own. One of the most powerful ways to play by our own rules is to act like a naive fool. When we act like a fool, the other person will often think that we are easy targets. They will lower their defenses and reveal their intentions. This gives us a chance to turn the tables and trick them. There are different ways to act like a fool. One way is to pretend that we don’t understand what the other person is doing. If they are trying to manipulate us, we act like we are clueless. This

"Sometimes We Have to Leave What We Desire to Find What We Deserve"

Finding Our True Worth Have you ever felt stuck in a situation that was not good for you, but you could not let go of it? Maybe it was a relationship that was toxic, a job that was unfulfilling, or a habit that was harmful. You knew deep down that you deserved better, but you were afraid of losing what you had, even if it was not making you happy. We often cling to what we desire, even when it does not serve us well. We may think that we need it to feel complete, to avoid loneliness, or to maintain our status. We may fear that we will not find anything better, or that we are not worthy of anything better. We may rationalize that we can change it, or that it will change for us. We may hope that things will get better, or that we will get used to them. But sometimes, we have to leave what we desire to find what we deserve. We have to let go of what is holding us back, and make room for what can lift us up. We have to face our fears, and take a leap of faith. We have to trust that there i

Sometimes, I say ‘bye’ just to hear ‘don’t go,’ but I receive ‘bye’ instead.

Why Do We Say Bye When We Want To Hear Don't Go? The Silent Plea Behind "Bye" Have you ever felt the urge to say goodbye to someone, hoping that they would ask you to stay? Have you ever wished for a sign that they cared enough to stop you from leaving? Have you ever been disappointed when all you got was a simple bye in return? Sometimes, we say goodbye to someone, not because we want to leave, but because we want to hear them say “don’t go”. We want to feel their attachment, their affection, their devotion. We want to know that we matter to them, that we are important, that we are loved. But what if they don’t say what we want to hear? What if they just say bye back, without any emotion, without any hesitation, without any regret? Sometimes, we test the waters of our relationships by pretending to end them. We want to see how the other person reacts, how much they value us, how much they need us. We want to feel wanted, appreciated, loved. But what if they don’t react t

Sometimes We Have to Ignore Certain

Why Sometimes We Need to Ignore Certain Things In life, there are always going to be things that we don't want to deal with. Whether it's negative thoughts, stressful situations, or even people who are toxic to us, sometimes the best thing we can do is to ignore them. How often do we let ourselves be distracted by things that don’t matter? How many times do we waste our energy on thoughts, situations, or people that only bring us down? Sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is to ignore them. Is ignoring certain things a sign of weakness or surrender or instead it is a sign of wisdom and courage which it shows that we know what is important to us and what will help us to grow and it shows that we value our peace and happiness more than anything else maybe. But how do we decide what to ignore and what to pay attention to? How do we balance our needs and responsibilities with our desires and dreams? How do we ignore the things that hurt us without ignoring the things that h

''Sometimes When I Say: I'm Okay, I Need Someone to Look Me in the Eyes and Say: I Know You're Not"

What You Say When Someone Says "I'm Okay"  5 Phrases That May Offer Real Support The quote "sometimes when I say: I'm OK. I need someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say: I know you are not." speaks to the power of human connection. When we're feeling down or overwhelmed, it can be difficult to reach out for help. But sometimes, all we need is for someone to see us, acknowledge our pain, and let us know that we're not alone. There are many reasons why we might say "I'm okay" when we're not Maybe we don't want to burden others with our problems. Maybe we're afraid of being judged. Or maybe we simply don't know how to ask for help. Whatever the reason, it's important to remember that it's okay to not be okay Everyone experiences difficult times in their lives. And it's important to have people in our lives who we can trust to be there for us when we need them. When someone looks us in the eyes and s

Silence: Is it the Best Way to Let Someone Know They Did You Wrong

Silence Is a powerful tool that can be used to communicate a range of emotions, including anger, disappointment, and hurt. It can be a way to let someone know that they have done you wrong without resorting to verbal confrontation.  How can silence be the best way to let someone know they did you wrong? When someone does you wrong, it’s natural to want to lash out and tell them exactly how you feel. However, this approach is often counterproductive and can lead to further conflict. Instead, consider staying silent and reflecting on your own emotions. This can help you gain clarity and perspective on the situation, and may even help you find a way to move forward. Are there times when speaking up is necessary If someone has done something truly egregious, it’s important to let them know how their actions have affected you. However, in many cases, silence can be a more effective way to communicate your feelings. By staying silent, you are sending a message that you are not willing to eng